How to auto post youtube/vimeo videos to detube wordpress theme automatically

WordPress autoamtic can post from youtube/vimeo and lots of other sources and detube is a popular quality wordpress video theme

here is how to intgerate both so make the vids appear handy at the theme display

  1. Set the post format to videoSelection_999(087)
  2. Set a custom field with name “dp_video_url” and value “[source_link]”Selection_999(088)
  3. delete the vid_player tag from the descriptionSelection_999(089)

now you can get the video posted just like any vid you add using detube



4 thoughts on “How to auto post youtube/vimeo videos to detube wordpress theme automatically

  1. guest

    I would like to use another theme with WP automatic . I saw this posting about detube theme
    but i tried searching for it and could only find nulled versions 🙁 So I guess the detube
    theme is no longer available from bonafide sites.

    Can you recommend another guaranteed working video site theme?

    Thanks in advance,



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