How to increase the number of posts for every added keyword to WordPress Automatic Campaign?

WordPress Automatic plugin can generate posts from OpenAI API based on desired keywords and it by default imports 10 articles per keyword then disable the added keyword so here are steps to increase the number of generated articles if needed

1- Increase number of requested titles per API call

The plugin calls OpenAI for titles for the added keyword and openAI will return 10 titles by default while you can still ask it for more titles like

2- Increase the number of times the plugin calls the API for titles

You can set the number of times the plugin calls the API for every keyword, by default, the plugin will call once and disable the keyword so set the number of times the plugin will call for every keyword as desired

3- Increase the number of keywords added to the keyword box

Add as many keywords related to your niche as desired to make sure that generated titles will be in higher quality instead of keeping generating titles for the same added keyword


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