How to rewrite continousely on WordPress Auto Spinner plugin without waiting for one minute

WordPress Auto Spinner can rewrite any number of posts on your WordPress site. its cron by default will rewrite a new post every minute. this is to stay as light as possible on the server while there may be a case where you want to rewrite a very large number of posts at the same time without the need to wait between posts, here are the steps to rewrite from the queue without waiting between spins

1- Visit the plugin settings page then copy your cron URL

at my case, the cron URL is http://localhost/wordpress/?wp_auto_spinner=cron

2- add this to the end of the copied cron URL &test=y

so at my case the final URL is http://localhost/wordpress/?wp_auto_spinner=cron&test=y

3- open ReloadThis site and paste the above link

this service will keep loading this URL and spin the posts one by one without waiting between posts



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