WordPress Auto Spinner OpenAI

The best configuration for WordPress Auto Spinner when rewriting using OpenAI API

WordPress Auto Spinner plugin can automatically rewrite your posts using many methods and it can rewrite it using OpenAI API, if you are using this method, here is the best config to use

1- Setup an external cron job as explained in this tutorial 

The corn job will take care of processing posts waiting in the queue. when a new bot post gets detected, the plugin inserts it in the pin queue and processes waiting queued posts one by one

2- Do not enable the spin instantly option

OpenAI prompts take a long time to process and using the instant spin may get your requests timeout without completing the spin job but the queue will split the post to chunks and retry processing them up to three times

check how the plugin splits the content into chunks

3- Post as Draft and set it to Publish

If you are using a bot to auto-post like WordPress Automatic Plugin , set the bot to post as Draft posts then set the Spinner plugin to spin draft and publish the posts after spinning


This should allow the post to enter the queue, get processed chunk by chunk and once completed, the plugin will publish it



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